炎帝陵寝 The Emperor Yan’s Grave

文章来源:山西高平 时间:2016/5/12 16:30:00 查看次数: 字体大小:[    ]




  Located in the northeastern corner of Emperor Yan’s grave scenic, it is north to Ping, south to balcony Dan water, and west to Yangshan. The circular stone structure of the grave has a diameter of 15 meters, more than five meters height, and 3.15 meters high stonewall inside where the sarcophagus was built. Stand before the graves stone shrine, its interior is a national treasure. The stone monument has a height of 0.95 meters, a width of 0.66 meters, and was built in thirty-nine orthodoxy by the legislature, which is the earliest discovered Emperor Yan monument.


  There is a mysterious underground palace under the temple with a perennial light. An elderly witness named Xing from the nearby village once sent the oil to refill the oil light for the underground palace through a tunnel in the grave.

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